Fun Beach Activities for Kids

Top Beach Activities for Kids:

A day at the beach with kids is a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, foster creativity, and get some exercise. To ensure that this fun-filled day remains safe and enjoyable, it’s crucial to combine exciting beach activities with essential water safety knowledge. At Evolve Surf School, we emphasise the importance of both having a blast and staying safe by the shore. Here’s our guide to the best beach activities for kids and why understanding water safety is paramount.


Beach activities for Kids
Beach activities for Kids


  1. Building Sandcastles
    • Creative Expression: Sandcastle building encourages creativity and teamwork. Kids can use buckets, shovels, and molds to create their sandy masterpieces.
    • Interactive Play: Involve the whole family in building moats, towers, and bridges.
    • Safety Tip: Ensure the sandcastle building site is well away from the waterline to avoid sudden waves.
  2. Beach Games
    • Frisbee and Catch: These simple games are great for improving hand-eye coordination and physical activity.
    • Beach Ball Games: A beach ball can provide endless fun, whether playing volleyball, soccer, or simply tossing it around.
    • Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items for kids to find, such as shells, driftwood, and seaweed. This activity promotes exploration and discovery.
    • Safety Tip: Designate a safe play area free of sharp objects and crowded zones.
  3. Snorkeling and Tide Pool Exploration
    • Marine Life Discovery: Kids can explore the underwater world and discover various marine creatures in tide pools.
    • Equipment: Provide child-sized snorkels, masks, and water shoes for protection.
    • Safety Tip: Always supervise children closely and teach them to be gentle with marine life.
  4. Kite Flying
    • Windy Day Fun: Kite flying is an engaging activity that takes advantage of breezy beach conditions.
    • Choosing a Kite: Select a simple, easy-to-fly kite for younger children.
    • Safety Tip: Fly kites in open areas away from power lines, trees, and other beachgoers.
  5. Shell Collecting
    • Nature Exploration: Collecting shells can be both fun and educational, teaching kids about different shell types and marine biology.
    • Tools: Provide a small bucket or bag for their treasures.
    • Safety Tip: Ensure children avoid picking up sharp or broken shells and always check for living creatures inside.
  6. Bodyboarding
    • Riding the Waves: Bodyboarding is a thrilling way for kids to enjoy the waves safely.
    • Equipment: Choose a bodyboard suitable for the child’s size and experience level.
    • Safety Tip: Ensure kids wear life vests and stay within designated swimming areas supervised by lifeguards.

The Importance of Water Safety

Understanding water safety is crucial for a safe beach outing. Here’s why it’s essential:

  1. Preventing Accidents: Water safety knowledge helps prevent common beach accidents, such as drowning, sunburn, and dehydration.
  2. Empowering Kids: Educating children about water safety empowers them to make smart decisions and be aware of their surroundings.
  3. Peace of Mind: Parents can relax and enjoy the day knowing they have taken the necessary precautions to keep their children safe.
  4. Enhancing Enjoyment: When safety measures are in place, everyone can focus on having fun and making lasting memories.

Essential Water Safety Tips

  1. Supervision
    • Always Watch: Never leave children unattended near the water. Maintain constant supervision, even if lifeguards are present.
    • Close Proximity: Stay within arm’s reach of younger children or non-swimmers.
  2. Swimming Skills
    • Lessons: Enroll children in swimming lessons to build their confidence and ability in the water.
    • Practice: Regular practice in a safe environment helps reinforce skills and boost confidence.
  3. Life Jackets
    • Safety Gear: Ensure that young children or non-swimmers wear life jackets when near or in the water.
    • Proper Fit: Check that the life jacket fits properly and is appropriate for the child’s weight and size.
  4. Sun Protection
    • Sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours or after swimming.
    • Protective Clothing: Dress kids in UV-protective swimwear, hats, and sunglasses.
    • Shade: Use beach umbrellas or tents to provide a shaded area for breaks from the sun.
  5. Hydration and Snacks
    • Plenty of Water: Ensure kids drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially on hot days.
    • Healthy Snacks: Bring along nutritious snacks like fruits and vegetables to maintain energy levels.

Combining fun beach activities with essential water safety practices ensures a memorable and secure beach day for kids and their families. At Evolve Surf School, we believe in the importance of educating both parents and children on water safety to maximize enjoyment and minimize risks. Make sure to check out our blog post on things to do in local area:

  • Seal Cove at Godrevy -Read more HERE
  • Dolphins in St Ives Bay -Read more HERE
  • The Rich Fishing History of St Ives Bay -Read more HERE


Beach activities for Kids
Beach activities for Kids


You can get involved in our Schools-Out Summer Surf Camps which are filled with fun beach-games aswell as water safety, surfing, lunch and coastering.

CLICK HERE to book Surf Camps sessions now or CLICK HERE for more details on our camps -make sure to navigate to the Surf Club & Camps section 

By following these tips and keeping safety at the forefront, you can create wonderful beach experiences that your kids will treasure for years to come. So, pack your beach bags, slather on the sunscreen, and head to the shore for a day of safe and exciting adventures!

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